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Planning Board Minutes 11/05/2009
Chichester Planning Board
Minutes of Meeting
November 5, 2009

Members Present:  Chairman Thomas Jameson, Vice-Chairman Richard Moore, Ex-Officio Richard DeBold, Richard Arell, Kevin Mara, Stan Brehm, Allen Mayville, Mike Valotto, and Jamie Pike, Secretary.

Chairman Jameson opened the business meeting at 6:40pm.

Pursuant to RSA 673:11, Chairman Jameson appointed Mr. Mayville as a voting member for the purposes of this meeting to fill a vacancy.

The minutes of October 28, 2009 were reviewed and a motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. DeBold to approve the minutes as written.  Motion passes.

Mr. Pike informed the Board that the applicants for Chichester Self Storage have requested their Design Review and Public Hearing be continued until the February meeting.  The Board directed Mr. Pike to send a courtesy mailing to all abutters of this project for the new meeting date.

Mr. Brehm discussed a self storage facility that he had viewed south of Manchester.  He stated that it was tastefully build with extensive landscaping detail.  He encouraged all members to view the site.

Mr. Pike presented a suggested budget for the 2010 fiscal year.  It was suggested to increase the legal services line to $3,000 as it is expected that additional funds will be spent in addressing Workforce Housing issues that may present themselves.  A motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Jameson to approve the budget as amended.

Chairman Jameson opened the design review and public hearing portion of the meeting.

A motion was made by Mr. Jameson and seconded by Dr. Mara to continue the Design Review and Public Hearing for Chichester Self Storage until February 4, 2010 at 7pm.  Motion passes.  The audience was informed that there would be a courtesy mailing to all abutters in January to remind them of the new date for the meeting.

Design Review:  Subdivision, Brent Moses, Map 2 Lot 58, Higgins Road

Surveyor Web Stout was present to speak on the merits of the proposal.

A letter was submitted from the Road Agent in regards to the originally proposed driveway location.  This original location would have required an Alteration of Terrain Permit and review by the Conservation Commission as it had an impact upon the present wetlands.  It is of the opinion of the Road Agent than an alternate site for the driveway is available.

Mr. Stout provided for the Board the buildable acreage of each lot as previously requested by the Board.  Also as requested, Note #5 has been added to the plan set.  Such note is a declaration of the residential soil types present prepared by Soil Scientist Peter Schauer.

The applicant has requested waivers from Subdivision Regulation Checklist items #16 and #28.  Such items include the provision of grades and profiles of existing streets and the location of wells and septic systems on abutting lots.
The subdivision has received approval from DES as of November 3rd.  

Concerns were addressed as to the notation of buildable acreages being notated by a ± symbol.  Mr. Stout explained that the acreage is reasonably accurate and that the acreage does not fall below the 10% variance allowed by the ordinance.

A motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. Mayville to accept the application as complete and into the jurisdiction of the Planning Board.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing: Subdivision, Brent Moses, Map 2 Lot 58, Higgins Road

There were no abutters present.

Mr. Stout was present to speak on the merits of the application.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Brehm to grant waivers from Subdivision Regulation checklist items #16 and #28.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Mr. DeBold and seconded by Mr. Arell to approve the application with the following precedent and subsequent conditions:
Conditions Precedent:
1.      A note shall be added to the plan set regarding the accuracy of the acreage of the buildable areas.
2.      The plans shall be presented with the stamp and signature of the Soil Scientist.
3.      Note #6 shall be amended to include the State of NH DES subdivision approval number.
Conditions Subsequent:
4.      All proposed driveway locations or future proposed locations shall be approved by the Road Agent prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.
Motion passes.

Design Review:  Site Plan, Green Earth Hybrid & Automotive, Inc., Map 9 Lot 110, Suncook Valley Road

Engineer Ms. Jennifer McCourt and applicant Marc Sabol were present to speak on the merits of the application.

Ms. McCourt and Mr. Sabol have previously presented this project conceptually at two previous meetings.

Ms. McCourt presented an overview of the existing conditions of the site and delineated the existing structures and slope.

Plans were presented providing for 26 parking spaces and a four bay automotive garage with an associated office area.  An overhang has been proposed for the reception of customers.  The site has been designed as ADA compliant with 2 handicapped parking spaces provided as the closest location to the entrance of the building.

Traffic data was provided which showed anticipated daily traffic of 10 customers, 4 employees and 3 deliveries.

The majority of the existing trees were maintained as well as the forested area to the rear of the property.  Proper surface water drainage has also been proposed as an integral part of the site development with 2 detention ponds for ground water recharge and natural filtration.
The lighting plan presented provides for 6 free standing light poles and one exterior light under the canopy.  The lumens at the sidelines of the property are proposed to be zero.

Mr. Sabol presented architectural renderings of the proposed building.  The exterior base of the building is to be treated with a cedar surface with the remainder of the building to a steel panel of either a brown or gray color.

A driveway application has been submitted to DOT and is awaiting a drainage review from the Concord engineering office.

The applicant has requested a waiver to not delineate water supply and septic disposal areas for the properties across from Route 28 as they have no impact upon the site.

Fire Chief, Gilbert Vien stated that he has previously met with Mr. Sabol in regards to this project.  It was explained that there will be a suppression system for the area designated for automotive fluid storage.  A knox box and fire alarm system will be installed.

A motion was made by Mr. Moore and seconded by Mr. Mayville to accept the application as complete and into the jurisdiction of the Planning Board.  Motion passes.

Public Hearing:  Site Plan, Green Earth Hybrid & Automotive, Inc., Map 9 Lot 110, Suncook Valley Road

There were no abutters present.  Comments from other audience members were received.

A motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Moore to grant the requested waiver from Site Review Regulation checklist item #4 to not require the delineation of water supply and septic disposal areas for the properties across Route 28 as they have no impact upon the site.  Motion passes.

A motion was made by Mr. Brehm and seconded by Mr. DeBold to approve the application with the following precedent and subsequent conditions:
Conditions Precedent:
1.      Submission of an approved State of NH DOT driveway permit,
2.      Any site modifications made pursuant to any jurisdictional review shall require a public hearing in accordance with RSA 676:4, 1(d).
Conditions Subsequent:
3.      All structures shall comply with all applicable building, fire, health, and life safety codes.
4.      Vegetative screening and buffer strips shall be maintained, shall be kept in a slightly manner and not allowed to deteriorate.
5.      All exterior lighting shall be fully shielded and not produce glare upon abutting properties or public rights-of-way.
6.      All site development shall be constructed in conformance to the approved plans unless application is made in writing to the Town of Chichester.
7.      Approval is subject to expirations, revocation and exemptions as extended by the laws of the State of New Hampshire in effect as of the date of this approval.
Motion passes.

Discussion: Site Development, Joseph Austin, Map 3 Lot 68B, Dover Road

Mr. Austin proposed the redevelopment of the existing structure upon the property into a 14 room boarding house with 8 bathrooms.  There was discussion amongst the board members if the proposal was a permitted use.  Mr. Austin was reminded that the Board was not able to make any binding decisions upon the project without a submitted application.

The next meeting of the Planning Board shall be November 19th at 7pm to discuss zoning amendments for the forthcoming cycle.

A motion was made by Dr. Mara and seconded by Mr. Jameson to adjourn the meeting at 9:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Jamie A Pike

                                                                        Approved as corrected.

Thomas Jameson, Chairman